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The number of traffic accidents resulting in human casualties have not shown any significant decrease in Estonia over the past ten years. While velocity is one of the factors to significantly increase the severity of the consequences, user-centric approaches also lead to the realisation that in Estonia speeding is a widely accepted social norm. An innovative approach was developed in order to test the effect of losing time, instead of money, as a potential measure to affect drivers’ behaviour.
In order to respond to the surge in unprecedented pandemic of COVID-19, Korean government swiftly developed the Epidemiological Investigation System based on Smart City Data Hub technology. It is designed to help officials quickly trace transmission routes and places through real-time data analysis such as mobile information. This system reduced the time for investigation from 24 hours to less than 10 minutes, enabling the containment of the pandemic in early stage and effective quarantine.
Auditing entities are public institutions that play a key role in the improvement of environmental policies. Thus, the Commission on Environmental Auditing of Latin America (COMTEMA) conducted the Coordinated Audit of Protected Areas in 2019-2020, with the participation of 26 inspection entities from 17 countries, in order to effectively evaluate their environmental management.
- The growing disaffection of citizens with their institutions and politics in general makes collaboration and joint efforts more necessary than ever. - The governance model is open and collaborative. It facilitates dialogue and collaboration by generating open spaces for learning, innovation and experimentation for the joint work of organizations, people and cross-border administrations. - It addresses challenges, generates proposals and seeks solutions to public agenda problems.
Innovacion Publica (IP) 360 seeks to respond to the low levels of trust in government and to the unequal distribution of innovation in Latin America's public sector. The project has a holistic approach to reach local governments that are not part of the mainstream opengov networks. It delivers actions in 19 local governments to strengthen citizen participation, transparency and digitalization. The lessons learned are then scaled up through a regional learning community of public innovators.
RLS-Sciences is a network supporting multilateral scientific cooperation between 7 regions on 5 continents, in the context of a political regional development forum. It was developed to take advantage of the scientific potential in the regions, to advance science via an organised network of cooperation, and to inform regional policies. The structured collaboration occurs at the intersection of science and government and is based on the principle of mutual trust and the culture of dialogue.
The Hexagon for Public Innovation (HIP) is a model to accelerate the systemic change of organizations that conceives innovation as networks of conversations, shared wishes, visions and affections. Six vectors summarize the key dynamics to transform a classic institution into a dynamic organization. It was launched in the Ibero-American Summit of Heads of State, benefiting key players in 22 countries from public and private sector, as well as civil society.
In 2020, Barcelona Alumni’s global virtual platform was launched to leverage the network of international talent educated in Barcelona but residing abroad and contribute to feeding scientific evidence into the local policy-making process. By connecting international experts and local challenges, this first-of-its-kind digital platform provides a pioneering approach to policy-making, making it more crowdsourced, evidence-based, replicable, scalable, accountable, and transparent.
Governments traditionally don’t share information and learnings and they are often slow to evolve. OneTeamGov is an innovative community that spans the globe, bringing together individuals who are committed to radically reforming government services and learning from each other. OneTeamGov are an entirely volunteer-run network of individuals who continue to share ideas, project learnings, new ways of working, and continue to push government to be better for all.
The Internet's potential to enable micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) to conduct international commercial transactions has yet to be fully realised. With an emphasis on computational approaches to trade policy design and delivery, SUBREI has launched a pilot programme to contribute to an open repository of rules in a digital form: an 'Internet of Rules' (IoR). The IoR will expand access to cross-border transactions and improve use by people and machines alike.