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An Economic Reform Governance Model to reform design and delivery of citizen-and business-centric public services was introduced in 2016. Aim of the Model was to eliminate barriers, ensure transparency, develop digital public services and expand competitiveness through increasing engagement of civil society and businesses in the reform process. Implementing 136 reform initiatives by passing 55 legal acts enabled the government to create more favorable social-economic opportunities for citizens.
Koldchain is the world's lowest-cost, patent-pending, GAVI-endorsed, solution based on thermosensitive polymers that leave distinct patterns upon exposure to temperature shifts. These patterns are interpreted by our smartphone algorithm to detect whether temperature fluctuations have damaged vaccines or other sensitive maternal health biotech products, and thus prevent infant & maternal mortality. The same tech applies to dairy, meat, and many other products where temperature affects quality.
BanQu is the first ever blockchain-based (patented) Supply Chain & Economic Passport platform that enables transparency, traceability, equity and sustainability for farmers (especially women), workers, waste pickers living in extreme poverty. BanQu has also become the leading platform for ensuring COVID-19 supplies are reaching the most vulnerable nations and communities in the MENA region. BanQu is being used in 40+ countries across over 1 million last-mile-first-mile beneficiaries today.
Innovacion Publica (IP) 360 seeks to respond to the low levels of trust in government and to the unequal distribution of innovation in Latin America's public sector. The project has a holistic approach to reach local governments that are not part of the mainstream opengov networks. It delivers actions in 19 local governments to strengthen citizen participation, transparency and digitalization. The lessons learned are then scaled up through a regional learning community of public innovators.
The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) has developed an open source blockchain system to advance responsible consumers’ choices and business conduct in the cotton market. Through the system, industry actors can track and trace sustainability and circularity claims for cotton made clothing, from field to shelf, based on the UN standard for traceability and transparency of value chains.
Ukraine has a large amount of state owned assets which are in most cases mismanaged or sold via corrupt procedures, meaning a large portion of funds never reaches local and state budgets. ProZorro.Sale developed an advanced electronic auction system, which introduced complete transparency and digitised the state asset management process. Through fair and innovative online auctions, coupled with open data, the system has replenished local and state budgets by $1 billion in 3 years.
Impact Canada is a whole-of-government effort that deploys outcomes-based policy and program approaches. It features a novel set of rules, processes, and supports to allow the Government of Canada to support innovative methods like challenges, pay-for-success funding, and behavioural insights, which previously faced significant barriers to adoption. Through these systems-level changes, the Government can now apply these approaches to produce better outcomes for citizens and create greater public
Fotocívicas is a behaviourally inspired traffic control system that relies on educational and civic fines aiming to transform drivers’ behaviour by reducing recidivism and licensing effect among offenders. It sets out to change the previous system, which was based on monetary fines with cameras placed where drivers were more prone to speed, not where more fatalities happened, without improving behaviours or road safety
"Defensores" is a platform designed to provide public defenders with a tool to register allegations of torture. This project was carried out in partnership with two key actors in the subject: The Ministry of Public Defense (MDP) and the National Mechanism for Prevention against Torture (MNP). Its implementation facilitates the effective and permanent monitoring of torture by public defenders and generates qualified information for different institutions and society in general. It's the first…
“Azerishiq” OJSC has created an innovative and enhanced e-service for providing electricity of up to 150 kilowatts to the existing or under-construction buildings of entrepreneurs.  As a result of these reforms, entrepreneurs will be able to apply for an electricity connection through the One Window system online by visiting website and the entrepreneur’s business will be provided with electricity within 20 days.